I refer to you the subject of a new bug you like I have decided to write it before the parliamentary elections two months and I'm an amateur to participate in parliamentary elections where I am staff member attended every election, the People's Assembly from 1985 until the present time, as well as the midterm elections of the Council of Aelchoryhit I am in all elections be President Election Commission led the provinces in the Crown in all previous elections, told stories, but I want to ask a question of what gave the ruling party guarantees for the integrity of the People's Assembly elections? Answer from my humble opinion not and will not provide the People's Assembly of any guarantees for the integrity of the elections because the ruling party if given assurances of the integrity of the electoral process in that case did not receive an absolute majority of uniforms every time and of course not correctly uniforms parliamentary elections last in the first phase when it was supervised by judges, and came The first phase results were unhappy with the ruling party stood the role played by always in the election in the second and third stages to win the seats, I say this and I Aontmy to any party, because I know that the parties in Egypt are all weak and can not match the ruling party in the election battle as the ruling party is the government to his ruling and the ruling party is a priority in everything Come Ncov the government in two months states h meet with in the newspapers every day for the opening of mega-projects Ahan support omitted candidates and if the government Maihlash her opening projects only a few days the parliamentary elections or presidential elections and we quoting the government was laughing us is important to projects come online and the salvation we want Ncov in the next election ruling party forces its members the candidates succeed with their works in the provinces and that they have to accept the voters want Congress to stand with the people against the government to Anaib cheering and clapping and agree to anything we want, deputy to discuss and question and defend the interests of the people and not the interests of the government But we regret to see the Vice succeeded with the blessing of security and the government comes a candidate for the Dabbagh said the children of his district want the government neutrality among all the candidates and leave it to eliminate the fair and we want to enter the State Security in the election, as happened in the past and will always where government guarantees for the success of parliamentary elections and show the appearance civilized Are The day will come when we believe that the National Party forms the government coalition with the Wafd Party or Party of Nazareth you will find a day to see any party is the National form a government when that day comes our government has provided all the guarantees of the outlying areas of elections in the best picture of her, but unfortunately will not come this day, never never because we will not be present because Hmalm never ever in Egypt.
مـــــدونــــة الكــــترونية فـــــــى حـــب مصــــــــــر
الأحد، 3 أكتوبر 2010
ماذا سيقدم الحزب الوطنى من ضمانات لنزاهة انتخابات مجلس الشعب؟
I refer to you the subject of a new bug you like I have decided to write it before the parliamentary elections two months and I'm an amateur to participate in parliamentary elections where I am staff member attended every election, the People's Assembly from 1985 until the present time, as well as the midterm elections of the Council of Aelchoryhit I am in all elections be President Election Commission led the provinces in the Crown in all previous elections, told stories, but I want to ask a question of what gave the ruling party guarantees for the integrity of the People's Assembly elections? Answer from my humble opinion not and will not provide the People's Assembly of any guarantees for the integrity of the elections because the ruling party if given assurances of the integrity of the electoral process in that case did not receive an absolute majority of uniforms every time and of course not correctly uniforms parliamentary elections last in the first phase when it was supervised by judges, and came The first phase results were unhappy with the ruling party stood the role played by always in the election in the second and third stages to win the seats, I say this and I Aontmy to any party, because I know that the parties in Egypt are all weak and can not match the ruling party in the election battle as the ruling party is the government to his ruling and the ruling party is a priority in everything Come Ncov the government in two months states h meet with in the newspapers every day for the opening of mega-projects Ahan support omitted candidates and if the government Maihlash her opening projects only a few days the parliamentary elections or presidential elections and we quoting the government was laughing us is important to projects come online and the salvation we want Ncov in the next election ruling party forces its members the candidates succeed with their works in the provinces and that they have to accept the voters want Congress to stand with the people against the government to Anaib cheering and clapping and agree to anything we want, deputy to discuss and question and defend the interests of the people and not the interests of the government But we regret to see the Vice succeeded with the blessing of security and the government comes a candidate for the Dabbagh said the children of his district want the government neutrality among all the candidates and leave it to eliminate the fair and we want to enter the State Security in the election, as happened in the past and will always where government guarantees for the success of parliamentary elections and show the appearance civilized Are The day will come when we believe that the National Party forms the government coalition with the Wafd Party or Party of Nazareth you will find a day to see any party is the National form a government when that day comes our government has provided all the guarantees of the outlying areas of elections in the best picture of her, but unfortunately will not come this day, never never because we will not be present because Hmalm never ever in Egypt.
الجمعة، 3 سبتمبر 2010
تخاريف صيام ورمضان كريم
رمضان كريم رمضان شهر المغفرة والرحمة والعتق من النار وشهر القرأن والحسنات الى جانب انه شهر الله يجزى به من يشاء من عباده وشهر الصلوات والتراويح يارب بارك لنا فى رمضان هذا العام ومد لنا فى عمرنا الى شهر رمضان القادم وبصراحة الحكومة بتاعتنا أحلى حكومة فى العالم يقودها رجل حكيم الكترونى عقله أكبر من عقول الشعب المصرى المتواضع فقد بدا الشعب المصرى رمضان بانفلات فى الاسعار لكافة السلع من حزمة الجرجير الى أسعار المكسرات وطبعا اللحوم البلدية وكأن الحكومة كثير عليها توفر للمواطن المطحون كيلو لحم بسعر مناسب يقدر يأكله لكن حكومتنا بصراحة الظاهر بتكره المواطن المصرى وعايزة تخلص منه بصراحةلأنه مواطن محتاج وحيكلفها تكلفة لاطائل منها وهى فاضية لمواطن رذل طبعا أه مواطن رذل وثقيل على قلب الحكومة.
رمضان السنة دىجه فى أشد موجة حر عانى منها الشعب المصرى وطبعا قابل تلك الموجة انقطاع التيار الكهربائى حتى ظن الناس جميعا ان يوم القيامة قد أتى مبكرا وطبعا لايعلمه الا الله الناس أصبحت فى حيرة صيام وحر شديد وكهرباء مقطوعة ويارب تهون الايام دى علينالامرلا المراوح قادرة تحل المشكلة ولا أجهزة التكييف وأنا بأقترح على الحكومة الالكترونية انها تشوف رجل أعمال من رجالها ويدخل أى أجهزة تكييف من الصين علشان تكون رخيصة وتقسطها على الشعب على فاتورة الكهرباء وطبعا الاجهزة دى مش حتعمر ورجل الاعمال يحول الملايين اللى حيكسبها لبلاد بره وبعد كده نشوف صوره فى الجرايد ويتضح بعد ذلك انه بيزنس مع الحكومة وكل واحد أخذ نصيبه والمواطن الغلبان أخذ التكييف!!!
سمعنا ان الكورة بتدى اللى بيعطيها ماذا أعطى أى لاعب ليأخذ تلك الملايين هل هذه الاندية تعيش فى غيبوبة نحن لانحسد ولكن لابد لنا من وقفة فنحن المطحونين لما نسمع عقده كذا مليون وأنا وغير من الموظفين المطحونين عمر مرتبنا ما حيوصل 50 ألف جنيه فى نهاية العمل الوظيفى ياناس الرحمة كويسة لو كل لاعب بص لأصله كان ايه وعائلته أصلها ايه كان راعى شعور الناس لابد من محاسبة المسئولين عن تلك الاندية وعن الملايين التى تنفق بدون ظبط ولا ربط
مزحة عملتها الحكومة الرشيدة وهى البطاقة الذكية وطبعا ارزاق ناس على ناس والبطاقة لن تحل أى مشكلة كما تخيل
جهابذة النظام وطبعا الموضوه اعتبره مسلسل كوميدى من مسلسلات رمضان والكسبان طبعا شركة المعلومات ومن ورائها من الحكومة
تصدقواانأقل كيلو فاكهة فىرمضان لايقل عن 6 جنيه طيب ليه نقول موجة الحر الشديدة ام هى جشع تجار ام عدم انضباط السوق ولا الناس معاها فلوس كثيرة والبائعين طمعانين فيهم وبركاتك يارمضان
تصدقوا ان فيه انتخابات مجلس الشعب فى شهر نوفمبر 2010 طيب ليه الحكومة تعمل انتخابات ليه النتيجة طبعا معروفة
اكتساح الحزب الوطنى لجميع الدوائرويادوب شوية فتافيت للمعارضة وطبعا أغلب الصناديق بتتقفل بالحزب الوطنى ياريت ياحكومة ماتتعبى نفسك فى الانتخابات وخلى المجلس زى ماهو بأعضائه الحلوين لدورة كمان ووفرى فلوس الانتخابات لمصلحة الناس الغلابة. رمضان كريم
الحكومةدمرت كل حاجة حلوة مزارع الفراخومزارع اللحوم وأصبحنا شعب فقير فى الثروة الحيوانية والداجنة ومش بعيد الاسعار تتضاعف طب لو حصل كده الناس ح تأكل ايه يارئيس الوزراء.
أحلىحاجة ان الدكتور يوسف غالى وزير المالية عامل بيات فى رمضان ومطلعش علينا بقانون ضرائب جديد يعكنن به على الناس الغلابة ويعكنن عليه فى الصيام واحنا عارفين انه بعد العيد ناوى يفرض ضرائب على الاسر التى يزيد عدد أفرادا عن أربعة أفرادوطبعا ممكنيرفع سعر سلعة ويعيش الناس فىجحيم الاسعار وجحيم يوسف غالى.
طبعا جمال مبارك مش عايز موقع علشان يدعمه انه يتولى رئاسة الجمهورية ولاتوقيعاتولا حاجةاذاكان جمال حيورث الحكم ح يورث فى حياة أبوه واذا كان حيورث الحكم بعد ذلك لاقدر الله فده بيد فتحى سروروترزية القوانين وشلة موافقة فى مجلس الشعب اتعلموا من سوريا وشوفوها عملت ايه رمضان كريم
دلوقتى ياحكومة مناسبة العيد ودخول المدارس بعد العيد ياترى انتى عملتى ايه للناس الغلابة وفرتى لهم كل حاجة ولا نسيتى طبعا أسعارمستلزمات المدارس زادت 30% ومستلزمات العيد 10% وانت الضحية أيها المواطن المسكين.
ياربالحكومة تكون موفرة الدقيق المدعم للخبز المدعم اللى الناس الغلابة بتأكله لحسن ياخوفى الناس تصحى من النوم لايلقوا عيش مدعم ولا دقيق أظن فى الوقت ده يأكلوا مين!!! اتصل ب09000156واكسب 2000جنيه كل اسبوع.
Ridiculous fasting, Ramadan Kareem
Ramadan Kareem Ramadan, the month of forgiveness, compassion and emancipation from the fire and the month of Quran and advantages besides it the month of Allah reward him whom He will of His slaves, and the month of prayers and Taraweeh Lord bless us in this year's Ramadan and extending to us in our lives to the next month of Ramadan, frankly, the government Btaatna sweeter government in the world led by a man Wise electronic mind more from the minds of the Egyptian people humble people embarked on the Egyptian Ramadan spin in the prices of all goods from the pack watercress on the prices of nuts and of course the meat of Municipal and if the government many of them available to the citizen milled kilogram meat at a reasonable price estimate eat, but our government openly apparent Petkrh Egyptian citizen and want to have to get rid it Besrahplonh citizen in need and the cost of Hichaelvha Atail of them, a busy rejecting a citizen of course, uh, rejecting a citizen and heavy on the heart of government.
Ramadan year Dyjh in the most heat wave experienced by the Egyptian people and of course met with the wave power outage even thought all the people that the Day of Judgement has come early, and of course Ayalmh but God and people become confused fast and free too, and electricity is cut off, O Lord, playing down the days De Alinalammerla fans able to solve the problem no air conditioning, I brought forward on e-government it Tzuf a businessman from the men, and enter any conditioners from China What for are cheap and Tkstha to people on the electricity bill and of course the equipment, this is not Anamr and businessman prevent millions Elly Hiksabha to a country with righteousness and after that Ncov pictures in Jeraid and clear Business that it was with the government and each one took his share and the citizen Ghalban taking air conditioning!!!
We heard that the football Ptdy Elly Biattiyha Why give any player to take the millions Is this a club living in a coma, we Anhsd but we must stop and we are downtrodden to hear his contract as well as a million and I and other officers of the downtrodden life Mrtbna what Hiousel 50 thousand pounds at the end of career Janas Mercy Cuesh if every player was magnificent to its original A and his family origin was taken into account A sense of the people should be held accountable those responsible for the clubs and the billions spent without Zbt not connect
Joke currency of good government, a smart card and of course the people on the livelihood of the people and the card will not solve any problem as I imagine
Geniuses of the system and of course Modoh considered a comedy of Ramadan TV series and of course Alexban company information and behind the Government
Tsedkoaanoql kilo fruit Vyramadan at least 6 pounds, we say good-les-heatwave or is it the greed of traders or not to discipline the market and not many people Amaaha money and sellers Tmaanin them and blessings Jarmadan
Believe that the People's Assembly elections in the month of November 2010 the government was working good LES LES election result is of course well known
Sweep of the National Party for all Aldoairuyadob Fatafeat a little of the opposition and of course the whole city shuts down most of the funds the National Party I wish you could Iaovernmp Mataataby yourself in the election and acetic Council what its members dress nice for the session of violin and Ovry election money for the benefit of poor people. Ramadan Kareem
Aovernmpdmrt need all farms Lafrakhomzara sweet meat and we are poor people in the livestock and poultry prices double Omc remote medicine like that happens if people eat h A O holy ministers.
Ohalyhajp that Dr. Youssef Ghali, Minister of Finance working Piet during Ramadan and Mtsh us law a new tax ruin yours by the poor people, and ruin yours in fast and we know of it after the Eid intend to impose taxes on families with more than the number of individuals of four Ofradotava Memknerf price of a commodity and people live Vyjhim prices and hell Ghali, Yusuf.
Of course, Gamal Mubarak, I do not want site What for supported it by the Presidency and Atoukietula Hajpmakan beauty Ahiort rule h is inherited in the life of his father and if Ahiort rule then, God forbid delegation, however, Fathy Srorotrzip laws, and paralysis of approval in the People Atalmwa Syria and Hovoha What did I do Ramadan Kareem
Now you Iaovernmp occasion and enter the school after the holiday wonder Ante currencies of the CIA people trodden and the Cityscape Dubai does not need them all of course Forgot Osarmstelzmat schools increased by 30% and 10% of holiday items and you are the victim you poor citizens.
Iarbaovernmp be providing subsidized flour for bread, fortified Elly poor people Ptoklh Eachovy good for the health of people sleep Airul live in subsidized flour I think at that time eat Maine!!! Call 09000156 and earn 2000 pounds a week.
Sir Ka-in and you are fine and in the completed health and Lord complement the brighter new presidential term What for we we take you and to us in the Arafnak and we take you and printed Minister El Shotar necessary walk the guidance of your Excellency to be from someone else in need and the age of any problem Bpthalc only Btaatdechl you and of course the drop-out provision Ankhaly Minister think H and of course tired and we Aisenhm Kwesen without fatigue no thought to remain Bcoloa What for guidance of Mr. Republican President prolonged Vyamrk
Spread the message as a draft conservation Alanhfez